Special Message from President Mike Pilcher on the 2022 Midterm Elections

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Our movement, your movement, the Labor Movement includes political action to elect lawmakers and policy makers who support building an economy from the ground up with Union workers. An economy where Workers have a seat at the table with Corporations. A more stable, long-term economy.
An economy where you share in the prosperity that YOU build day after day, year after year in the wealthiest country in the history of the world.
A community where work/life balance is understood and supported. Where standards of living are raised, and a better quality of life is achieved for working families.
Where you have a voice.
The Labor Movement does not move without action by you – period.
Solidarity is workers joining together for common cause and action.
Today I thank each and every one of you who stood together in Solidarity. Who stood side by side with our affiliated, Union Leaders and stepped up and moved forward by answering the call to action to ensure that we supported our endorsed candidates. Together, we did very well. Most of our endorsed candidates were victorious.
We lost a key ally in Governor Sisolak, who signed nearly two dozen of our Labor bills into law during the 2019 and 2021 sessions that had been vetoed by the previous Governor.
Governor Sisolak and his Pandemic Task Force worked diligently to ensure that Nevada was one of the fastest recovering states in the Nation post-pandemic and continued its bright economic outlook.
While this loss is certainly bewildering and disappointing, rest assured that we will work with the Legislature and the new Governor to advance your movement and goals of a better quality of life – to advance our movement, the Labor Movement.
With appreciation and forever in Solidarity,
Mike Pilcher
President, Northern Nevada Central Labor Council
Nevada State AFL-CIO Executive Board