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A mosaic of members holding signs about voting

Check Your Voter Registration Status

Have you moved, changed your name, or you’re just not sure of the status of your voter registration? You can check it here.

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Rights and Protections for All Working Families

Millions of undocumented immigrants, who are vital to our economic recovery, still live in fear because of our outdated and inhumane immigration system. It’s time to put an end to this injustice. Tell your senators to pass a budget that includes a broad pathway to citizenship.

Make a Call

Support the Strike

Our Mine Workers (UMWA) union family is on strike against management at Warrior Met Coal. Add your name to say you support their fight for a fair contract.

Lend Your Support

Support SB245!

SB245 will be heard this morning, 3/22/2021, between 8-9AM PST. This bill requires workers to be paid for work done prior to separation. This should not be optional. Please support and comment using the button below. Thank you! #UnionStrong#1u

Support & Comment!

July 22 National Day of Action: Pass the HEROES Act!

On July 22, the AFL-CIO is leading a national call-in day to demand that the Senate take up the HEROES Act.

America faces a crisis on three critical fronts: a public health pandemic, an economic free fall and long-standing structural racism. Working people need safe jobs, economic security and freedom from systemic racism. Delivering on economic essentials included in the HEROES Act is an absolute minimum requirement for stopping the free fall into even deeper and deadly racial inequality.

Take action to encourage the Senate to pass the #HEROESAct now! #PassTheHeroesAct

Take Action

June 17 Workers First Rally for Racial & Economic Justice

America faces crises on three critical fronts: a public health pandemic, an economic free fall and long-standing structural racism.  As America’s labor movement, we must urgently address all three with precision and purpose. They cannot be fixed separately.

America’s Five Economic Essentials must be combined with substantial policing reforms and implemented in ways that recognize the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on workers of color. This comprehensive agenda for the three crises addresses all working people’s needs for safe jobs, economic security and freedom from systemic racism. Drive by Believe Plaza in downtown Reno on June 17 at 9:30AM to demand America's 5 Economic Essentials for Racial and Economic Justice and honk to show your support.






We must also demand that Congress pass the HEROES Act and other racial and economic justice legislation. Click the button below to sign your support of the HEROES Act - and call your Senator to demand their support!

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